2019 and 2020 Fellows and DoD STEM professionals from across the United States will have the opportunity to network and hear from DoD National Leaders and Subject Matter Experts in the field of science, technology, and engineering for a riveting week that showcases DoD research activities, Fellow Innovative Doctoral Research, and other topics relevant to the National Defense mission.
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Once you are registered, you will receive updates on the following items between April and June 2022. All attendees will be verified prior to acceptance of registration.
COVID-19 Protocols
We require participants to adhere to DoD COVID-19 protocol, as well as protocols by the CDC, the State of Massachusetts and the City of Boston. COVID-19 requirements to attend the conference are subject to change as we navigate the changing conditions and guidance related to the pandemic. Please continue to check our website for any update on COVID-19 requirements for in-person participation at the NDSEG Annual Conference.
We look forward to seeing you at the 2022 DoD National NDSEG Fellow’s Conference in July!
Program and Conference Administered by Systems Plus, Inc. www.sysplus.com